Delivery Information

It is our goal to offer same-day processing on orders received by 2:00 p.m. in our time zone; such orders will be mailed the next business day. We ship all orders within the continental United States by UPS. Estimated shipping time can range from 2 to 14 days, depending on where you live, when you place your order (day or season), and the type of UPS delivery service you choose. We cannot be responsible for delivery transit time. Shipping charges and sales tax will be added to the total of the order during checkout.

Note to international customers: Orders shipped to destinations outside the US may be subject to additional fees charged by your government. Buyers agree to assume all responsibility for such charges. We cannot be responsible for any import fees levied by your country. Please know what these charges might be BEFORE placing an order. Estimated international shipping time is 10–14 days, but this range can vary.